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How young people explore the world of work – An Evaluation of the GoTeach partnership

Co-creation and dissemination of a story-based Sprockler inquiry, collection both qualitative and quantitative information among students… >>

Sprockler Training 2023

Introduction to the principles and development of the philosophy and approach and link to other approaches, methods and tools.… >>

World Water Week and story collection for the Lazos de Agua programme

One Drop Foundation has been working with Sprockler and our team since 2019. In 2020 One Drop staff and partners from the Lazos de Agua programme, which is implemented in Colombia, Mexico, Nicaragua and Paraguay, received training and developed and implemented a Sprockler inquiry… >>

Watching trends in organizational design with Alternatives Conseil

Marine Allein, project manager and executive coach at Alternatives Conseil, shares her experiences using the Sprockler tool… >>

Stories from women and youth as bridge builders in LibyaStories from women and youth as bridge builders in Libya

From 2016 to 2020, a consortium led by Cordaid, in partnership with Human Security Collective (HSC) and eight civil society organisations based in Libya, implemented the ‘Women and Youth as bridge builders’ programme in Libya… >>

Changes to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

Since a few years, solid regulation for protection of privacy is in place in Europe. As Sprockler user, you have to deal with this GDPR, and you might find it annoying as it requires you to have a few things in place.… >>

Fall armyworm outbreak in Ghana: Review of multi-stakeholder response with CABI

The invasive pest, Fall armyworm (FAW, Spodoptera frugiperda J.E. Smith), was confirmed as being present in Ghana in 2016. By 2017, research studies estimated significant losses in maize yield if management measures were not put in place… >>

Natural Language Processing: Sprockler's AI experiments

A'NLP4Sprockler' pilot was started to see if we can use various technologies from artificial intelligence to analyse the responses collected through Sprockler… >>

The Drenthe Energy Story: residents have their say

Opinions of residents form part of the Regional Energy Strategy… >>

Speeding up sustainability with the Neerlands diep Sustainability Challenge

The Neerlands diep Sustainability Challenge asked Perspectivity to conduct a Sprockler research… >>

Evaluating the Prevention up Front Alliance

The Prevention up Front (PuF) Alliance is a five-year joint programme (2016-2020) between the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) and the World Federalist Movement – Institute for Global Policy (WFM-IGP)… >>

Evaluating the Health Systems Advocacy Partnership Programme

RiH used Sprockler in two ways: to collect stories of change and to harvest and substantiate outcomes using Sprockler’s Outcome Harvesting feature… >>

Evaluation at a distance with YMCA in Togo

Y Care International contacted Sprockler to conduct this evaluation and come up with creative ways to conduct an evaluation at a distance… >>

Lazos de Agua pilots with Sprockler narrative research

One Drop Canada shares their experience using Sprockler… >>

Amsterdam Accessible for All – the first Amsterdam Local Inclusion Agenda

The municipality of Amsterdam is one of the first municipalities that are creating a local inclusion agenda.… >>

Evaluating Strategic Partnerships for Dutch Development Cooperation

In 2016, the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs started the Dialogue and Dissent programme in which they set out the new policy for development cooperation in the area of lobbying and advocacy.… >>

Taking stock of three years PAL Network

The People’s Action for Learning Network (PAL Network) is a south-south partnership of countries working to assess basic reading and numeracy competencies.… >>

Outcome Harvesting & Sprockler – stronger together

An innovative ‘Outcome Harvesting’ feature in Sprockler will be launched in January 2020.… >>

Sprockler in combination with statistics

Sprockler’s statistician René van der Heijden shares his vision on the combination of Sprockler and statistical research.… >>

Bo Yi Academy evaluates their courses with Sprockler

As part of the quality assurance plan, we have integrated evaluations with Sprockler into our organization.… >>

­Innovation of development cooperation

The Spindle is a platform where Dutch development organisations and their international partners work together to innovate development cooperation.… >>

Sense-making for WASH Initiatives with RVO in Kenya and Ghana

RVO initiated a ‘sense-making’ pilot to learn how to use stories to deepen their understanding of the impact of their WASH projects (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene).… >>

MDF collects stories of change for the Down to Zero programme and Solidaridad

From 2018, MDF started to increasingly use Sprockler in designing and carrying out evaluations.… >>

Movisie embraces Sprockler

After a careful selection process, Movisie has selected Sprockler as their methodology for narrative research.… >>

Learning from playing children with Tjeko in Uganda

At the end of 2018 Tjeko conducted a baseline study of their Tjeko LIVE programme by collecting stories from children about their play experiences, using Sprockler.…  >>

Community Stories from the Spring House workplace

Spring House just turned 3 years old and they are curious about how members and visitors experience the place until now, as well as, how they envision shaping of the coming 3 years together.… >>

How to extend the ownership of evaluation findings to project beneficiaries? Y Care International

Recent experience sharing the findings of a final evaluation with beneficiaries.… >>

Stories on loneliness in Amsterdam

Amsterdam wants to reduce loneliness in the city. All kinds of organisations and people in area have launched experiments to learn with and from each other about how we can improve this issue.… >>

Sprockler on M&E Thursday Talk: Visualizing stories: How Sprockler was used for a baseline measurement in Pakistan

In early 2017 Oxfam Novib, Saferworld and partners used Sprockler to conduct a baseline measurement for their project on access to fair, legitimate and effective Justice in Pakistan.… >>

Addressing Root Causes in Burundi and Pakistan with Oxfam Novib

Sprockler was used to conduct a baseline at the start of Oxfam Novib’s programmes in Pakistan and Burundi.… >>

The future of Dutch development cooperation

How can Dutch development organisations adequately prepare themselves for different future scenarios? And what can they do to realise their desired future?… >>

Open Sprockler training: What do you really want to know?

The first open Sprockler training has taken place. On the 23rd of March 2018, about 15 Sprockler enthusiasts got together for a whole day of Sprockler training… >>

World-class professionals in Indonesian coastal zone and water management

A consortium of Dutch partners is working together with the Indonesian universities Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) in Surabaya and the Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) to improve the curricula in the area of water, specifically in integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) and integrated water resource management.… >>

Mozambican Seed and Water Sectors go Sprockler

Various organisations and consortia working in the seed and water sector in Mozambique have started to use Sprockler to collect stories and data and make sense of their complex settings.… >>

Positive Impact of Hotel con Corazón’s educational programmes in Nicaragua

Foundation Hotel con Corazón is a social enterprise in Granada in Nicaragua. It is a hotel that invests 100% of its profits in local education.… >>

Learning by sharing stories about participation in Amsterdam

Perspectivity has facilitated a series of social labs ‘Meedoen Werkt’ (Participation Works) at the end of 2015 where the whole stakeholder field came together to ensure that more Amsterdammers.… >>

Sprockler and Outcome Harvesting

Sprockler and Outcome Harvesting both embrace complexity. They aim to understand the process of change.… >>

Piloting Knowledge Retention Approach at Eneco

Imagine a very technical organization where the majority of the employees is over 50 years old… >>

Collecting Stories with Caritas in Upper Egypt

During the last presidential elections, some men came up to me and told me “Here is some money and I will vote for you”… >>

Municipality of Maastricht assesses Youth Social Services

How is it going with child social services since the decentralisations in the social domain and the introduction of the Tailored Education Act… >>

Sprockler at Border Sessions Festival

In July, Lisette Gast was invited by Border Sessions, the international festival on technology and society in The Hague, to speak about Sprockler and its innovative approach to data.… >>

Good governance in Afghanistan and Pakistan – Oxfam Novib

Citizens First is a programme organised by Oxfam Novib contributing to human security and good governance in Afghanistan and Pakistan.… >>

U4 European University Network Academic Leadership Programme

The U4 Network is a strategic partnership between the universities of Groningen (the Netherlands), Ghent (Belgium), Uppsala (Sweden) and Göttingen (Germany).… >>

Young Leaders for Human Security Sprockler Training

This year, Human Security Collective has set up the Young Leaders for Human Security Programme.… >>

Sprockler Evaluates Media Development Conference in Bonn

In October, Perspectivity’s storytelling tool Sprockler was invited to speak at the 2015 Forum Media and Development (FoME) Symposium… >>

Sprockler in Northern Ireland

Rani Temmink shares her SPROCKLER story. Rani has been an intern for SPROCKLER’s mother organization Perspectivity for a few months… >>

Training Complexity and Adaptive Learning

COMING UP SOON: Training on Complexity and Adaptive Learning. Having problems with the execution of evaluation in your company? >>

SPROCKLER in South Sudan, Palestine and Brazil

The SPROCKLER approach is currently being explored in several of Perspectivity’s projects. For example, it is used in Cordaid’s Barometer for Local Women’s Peace and Security and in a project with AVICRES Brazil. >>

Collector App for mobile devices

A new version has just been released for our Android Collector App. We fixed some bugs and enhanced our looks. Test it out now! >>

Meaning mapper framework – Get to know our poles!

Stories provide detailed and context-rich information. The challenge is, however, how to analyse these stories accurately. They are full of nuances that are not immediately obvious. >>