About us
SPROCKLER is a philosophy and methodology, fuelled by an innovative software tool.
It is inspired by the science that backs-up this innovation, our experiences with organisations and communities across the globe.
It is exploited through by Perspectivity and powered by SPADit.
Perspectivity is a social enterprise. It works with businesses, governments, and civil society organisations to create collective impact. It addresses complex social challenges by designing and facilitating systemic interventions.
SPADit holds scientific and applied expertise in statistic process and data analysis. It works for organisations that need to turn large amounts of data into meaningful information. Tailored solutions, including dedicated software development are the tasks it faces up to. Clients are mainly businesses and public institutions.
We have worked in around 30 countries and with almost any size of organisation.
Sparking SPROCKLER team!
It all started when on the 27th of november 2013 Han Rakels contacted Rene van der Heijden with a crazy idea:
“Can we develop a tool that allows us to collect experiences of large groups of people, and apply statistics in a user-friendly manner to building evidence on trends”
Han brought in his years of expertise on complex challenges in organisations and societies, using appreciative interviewing (story-telling and analysis using self-interpretation questions) for systems change.
Rene matched it with his decades of practical knowledge on data sampling, statistics and software/database development, and especially semi-automated analysis and data visualization.
Lisette as co-founder brings in recognized expertise in monitoring, evaluation and learning. She developed the first on-line sensemaking platforms during the mid-nineties.
Anne brought in her anthropological knowledge about creating the right kind of questions did an endless amount of testing to get the tool to where it is now.
Han Rakels
Rene van der Heijden
Lisette Gast
Anne van Marwijk
Nele Blommestein
Vojtěch Udržal (IT ground work: building the Designer and Collector) and Robin Jaspers (interactive design) were added to the technical and advisory team and we were ready to go!
Nele started as an enthusiastic user of Sprockler early 2016 during her time with Oxfam Novib. With her many years of experience as monitoring and evaluation specialist, she is now added to the team. Her focus lies on combining Sprockler with Outcome Harvesting.
But let us not forget all the people that inspired us and have done important work. We mentioned some of them under sources. They contributed to us building this tool. We have only refined, integrated, copied, sophisticated, differentiated and elaborated.
Het Nutshuis
Riviervismarkt 5
2513 AM Den Haag
The Netherlands
E-mail us at info@sprockler.com